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Version: DAI 6.5


global.devLicensestringThe developer license provided by customer support for using Eggplant DAI.nil
global.execLicensestringThe execution license provided by customer support for using Eggplant DAI.nil
global.ingress.classNamestringWhich ingress-nginx class to use for the ingress."nginx"
global.ingress.hoststringHostname for DAI ingress.""
global.keycloak.passwordstringPassword for the Keycloak admin user. with a secret."admin"
global.keycloak.userstringUsername for the Keycloak admin user."admin"
global.objectStorage.awsobjectConfigures the AWS provider.{"awsAccessKeyId":"eggplant","awsAccessKeyIdKey":"","awsSecretAccessKey":"eggplant","awsSecretAccessKeyKey":"","existingSecret":"","region":"eu-west-1"} secret overrides the value of awsAccessKeyId and awsSecretAccessKey.""
global.objectStorage.bucketNamestringName of the object storage bucket."eggplant"
global.objectStorage.minioobjectConfigures the Minio provider. if rootUser and rootPassword are set, you can use the included minio chart by setting minio.enabled to true without further configuration. if you want to use an existingSecret, you'll need to set the secret name in minio.auth.existingSecret. The secret will need to have the keys root-user and root-password.{"endpoint":"","existingSecret":"","rootPassword":"eggplant","rootPasswordKey":"","rootUser":"eggplant","rootUserKey":""}
global.objectStorage.minio.endpointstringEndpoint of the minio instance. Only set this if you're not using the included minio chart.""
global.objectStorage.providerstringWhich object storage provider is used. Valid values are 'minio' or 'aws'."minio"
global.postgresql.auth.postgresPasswordstringPassword for the postgres admin user. Used by DAI for authentication with the PostgreSQL instance and inherited by the postgresql sub-chart to configure the postgres user."postgres"
global.postgresql.hoststringHostname of the PostgreSQL instance to be used by DAI."postgres"
global.postgresql.ttdbNamestringName of the main database used by DAI."ttdb"
global.postgresql.usernamestringCustom user to create. Used by DAI for authentication with the PostgreSQL instance and inherited by the postgresql sub-chart to configure the PostgreSQL deployment."postgres"
global.rabbitmq.erlangCookiestringThe RabbitMQ Erlang cookie. It will either be set from the value of rabbitmq-erlang-cookie in the secret dai-rabbitmq or it will be set to a random string.nil
global.rabbitmq.existingSecretstringAn existing secret with rabbitmq-password and rabbitmq-erlang-cookie keys in it. Overrides rabbitmq.password and rabbitmq.erlangCookie.""
global.rabbitmq.hoststringHostname of the RabbitMQ instance."rabbitmq"
global.rabbitmq.passwordstringPassword for DAI to authenticate with RabbitMQ. If this is not set, it will either be set to the value of rabbitmq-password in the secret dai-rabbitmq or it will be set to a random string.nil
global.rabbitmq.portintThe port the RabbitMQ instance is running on.5672
global.rabbitmq.usernamestringUsername for DAI to authenticate with RabbitMQ as."rabbitmq"
keycloakobjectConfiguration for the Bitnami Keycloak sub-chart.{"auth":{"adminPassword":"admin","adminUser":"admin"},"enabled":true,"externalDatabase":{"database":"keycloak","existingSecret":"","host":"postgres","password":"fake","user":"postgres"},"fullnameOverride":"keycloak","httpRelativePath":"/auth/","ingress":{"enabled":false},"initContainers":[{"command":["sh","-c","until pg_isready -U ${KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_USER} -h ${KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_HOST} -p ${KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_PORT}; do echo \"waiting for PostgreSQL\"; sleep 5; done"],"envFrom":[{"configMapRef":{"name":"keycloak-env-vars"}}],"image":"","imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","name":"wait-for-postgresql"}],"postgresql":{"enabled":false}}
keycloak-realm-provisioner.smtp.enabledstringWhether to configure SMTP in Keycloak for sending emails."no"
keycloak-user-provisioner.adminUsersobjectThis mapping lists the DAI admin users to create. You can specify multiple admin users, each in a separate key, e.g. adminUsers.myAdmin, adminUsers.anotherAdmin. Each specified admin user must have all the fields shown under adminUsers.daiAdmin.{"daiAdmin":{"email":null,"firstName":null,"lastName":null,"password":null,"username":null}}
keycloak-user-provisioner.adminUsers.daiAdmin.passwordstringmust be >= 12 characters long.nil
keycloak.authobjectConfiguration for the initial admin user.{"adminPassword":"admin","adminUser":"admin"}
keycloak.enabledboolMust be set to true - we do not support using your own Keycloak.true
keycloak.externalDatabaseobjectConfigure the database to be used by Keycloak for persistence. If using the bundled PostgreSQL instance and changing any parameters, this needs to be updated to match.{"database":"keycloak","existingSecret":"","host":"postgres","password":"fake","user":"postgres"}
keycloak.fullnameOverridestringChanging this will impact the name of the service created by the Bitnami chart. If you change this, DAI may not behave as expected."keycloak"
keycloak.httpRelativePathstringThe path to publish Keycloak resources at. this is needed for compatibility with old Keycloak versions. DAI depends on this and it must not be changed."/auth/"
keycloak.ingress.enabledboolIf the ingress config deployed by the Bitnami keycloak chart is deployed or not. This must be false as we are shipping our own ingress.false
keycloak.initContainerslistAdds an init container to prevent Keycloak from coming up before PostgreSQL is ready.[{"command":["sh","-c","until pg_isready -U ${KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_USER} -h ${KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_HOST} -p ${KEYCLOAK_DATABASE_PORT}; do echo \"waiting for PostgreSQL\"; sleep 5; done"],"envFrom":[{"configMapRef":{"name":"keycloak-env-vars"}}],"image":"","imagePullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","name":"wait-for-postgresql"}]
keycloak.postgresqlobjectIf the Keycloak chart configures its own PostgreSQL instance. We re-use the same postgres instance as the rest of DAI, so leave this false.{"enabled":false}
minioobjectConfiguration for the Bitnami Minio sub-chart.{"auth":{"existingSecret":"dai-objectstorage"},"clientImage":{"tag":"2022.2.2-debian-10-r3"},"enabled":true,"fullnameOverride":"minio","image":{"tag":"2022.2.5-debian-10-r0"},"persistence":{"enabled":true}}
minio.auth.existingSecretstringThis secret is automatically populated by the values in global.objectStorage.minio.rootUser and rootPassword. If you provide an existing secret in global.objectStorage.minio, you must update this to match. The secret must have keys root-user and root-password."dai-objectstorage"
minio.enabledboolSet this to false if you want to use your own object storage service, e.g. AWS S3.true
minio.fullnameOverridestringImpacts the service name created by the Bitnami chart. If this changes, it could break DAI."minio"
minio.persistence.enabledboolPersist stored objects to a PVC. Disabling this may result in lost data.true
postgresqlobjectConfiguration for the Bitnami postgresql sub-chart.{"enabled":true,"fullnameOverride":"postgres","primary":{"extraEnvVars":[{"name":"POSTGRESQL_DATABASE","value":"keycloak"}],"persistence":{"enabled":true}}}
postgresql.enabledboolSet to false if using an alternative PostgreSQL installation.true
postgresql.fullnameOverridestringImpacts the name of the service created. If this is changed, will most likely need to update to work."postgres"
postgresql.primary.extraEnvVars[0]objectPOSTGRESQL_DATABASE environment variable is the name of a database to create on the PostgreSQL instance at initial deployment. The 'keycloak' database must exist for DAI to work, however you choose to create it.{"name":"POSTGRESQL_DATABASE","value":"keycloak"}
postgresql.primary.persistence.enabledboolControls whether PostgreSQL data is persisted in a PVC. Setting this to false could result in data loss.true
rabbitmqobjectConfiguration for the Bitnami RabbitMQ chart.{"auth":{"existingErlangSecret":"dai-rabbitmq","existingPasswordSecret":"dai-rabbitmq","username":"rabbitmq"},"enabled":true,"fullnameOverride":"rabbitmq","persistence":{"enabled":true}}
rabbitmq.auth.existingErlangSecretstringSecret to fetch the RabbitMQ Erlang cookie from. Must have rabbitmq-erlang-cookie. DAI assumes this and existingPasswordSecret are the same. If these change, must update global.rabbitmq.existingSecret."dai-rabbitmq"
rabbitmq.auth.existingPasswordSecretstringSecret to fetch the RabbitMQ user password from. Must have rabbitmq-password key in it. If this changes, must update global.rabbitmq.existingSecret."dai-rabbitmq"
rabbitmq.auth.usernamestringDefault RabbitMQ user to create. If this changes, must update global.rabbitmq.username to match."rabbitmq"
rabbitmq.fullnameOverridestringChanging this could impact the service name created by the Bitnami chart and break DAI."rabbitmq"